COVID-19 Response

COVID-19 Production Resources:
- COVID-19 testing and medical-related personnel: Crew Listings and Support Services Listings within our AZ Production Directory.
- National Set Medics website with details on COVID-19 guidelines.
- Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers Industry-Wide LaborManagement Safety Committee Task Force White Paper: Proposed Health and Safety Guidelines for Motion Picture, Television, and Streaming Productions During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Directors Guild, SAGAFTRA, IATSE, Teamsters - (CV-19) Safety Guidelines Report The Safe Way Forward
- View our Permitting webpage for updates on impacted locations and permitting restrictions.
- Industry resources: LA County Reopening Protocols
- SAGAFTRA - Backtowork Guidelines; COVID-19 Updates
Are you a qualified emergency health professional, set medic, and/or COVID-19 Compliance Officer? If yes, make sure hiring productions can find you registered in our Arizona Production Directory.
(Dec. 2021) CDC Guidance Updates for FULLY VACCINATED individuals (Source: CDC Website)
- "If you are fully vaccinated, you can resume activities that you did prior to the pandemic."
- "Fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance."
Latest updates: Arizona rolls back COVID-19 mandates affecting large groups, bars, and "local jurisdiction" imposed mask mandates. Governor Doug Ducey's 3/25/2021 Executive Order 2021-06 is based on more than 3 Million vaccines distributed to Arizona and "With Declining Cases And Hospitalizations At Lowest Levels In Months, Business Guidelines Transition From Requirements To Recommendations" with the following results below according to the Governor's Press Release issued on 3/25/21.
Events of more than 50 people will no longer need the approval of local governments. These events should continue to follow safe practices and CDC recommendations, including physical distancing. This includes youth sports.
The business guidance will transition from requirements to recommendations. Governor Ducey is providing businesses with the ability to continue requiring masks and social distancing.
Bars have already been allowed to operate as “dine-in” at full capacity. They will now be allowed to resume regular operations, with the ability to require social distancing and masks.
Unlike some other states, Arizona never issued a statewide mask mandate, and instead encouraged personal responsibility with an aggressive educational campaign — resulting in more widespread mask usage than states with mandates. Some local governments have implemented “mandates,” however, they have rarely, if ever, been enforced. Under this latest action, those local mandates will be phased out. Mask usage is still encouraged, especially in groups that are not vaccinated.
Governor Doug Ducey's 3/5/21 Executive Order 2021-05 Lifting Occupancy Limitations Implemented Due to COVID-19 is in effect.
The following changes are reflected in this new Executive Order per the Office of Governor Ducey. For complete details review the click above.
- For businesses, physical distancing and mask protocols will remain in place, however specific occupancy percentage limitations will expire. This applies to restaurants, gyms, theaters, water parks, bowling alleys, and bars providing dine-in services.
- Spring Training and Major League Sports will have the ability to operate upon submission and approval of a plan to the Arizona Department of Health Services that demonstrates implementation of safety precautions and physical distancing.
- Mayors and local entities will still be precluded from implementing extreme measures that shut down businesses.
History: Arizona's Stay At Home Order HAS BEEN LIFTED and businesses are re-opening and productions need to follow the safety protocols set forth in Arizona Governor Doug Ducey's Executive Order 2020-36 (May 12, 2020) and updated in Executive Order 2020-43 (June 29, 2020) and continued in Executive Order 2020-52 (July 23, 2020).
When flying into Phoenix Sky Harbor airport, new safety protocols are also now underway regarding the wearing of face masks in the airports and rental car facilities. Read details on the policy and exemptions. NEW - Federal Mask Order Effective Feb. 1, 2021. The federal government has issued an order that requires masks which cover both the mouth and nose for passengers, visitors, and employees in the airport terminals, on commercial flights, on airport buses, onboard the PHX Sky Train, and in the Rental Car Center. Failure to comply may result in removal and denial of re-entry. Individuals may also be subject to criminal or civil penalties, or both.
In light of the COVID-19 pandemic, we continue to recommend adherence to federal and state mitigation measures that remain in place. These recommendations are continuously evolving to meet the needs of safety, business, and society. Businesses are putting in place additional safety measures such as temperature checks, and daily health screenings for workers upon arrival at their workplace. Some studios and production companies are also being pro-active in creating new workplace safety guidelines for on-location/set work and travel, including the presence of medics and other designated personnel charged with managing workplace safety guidelines.
The following continues to be recommended while working in Arizona:
- Social Distancing
- Wearing a face mask (mandated in some counties, cities, towns).
- Sanitation of work-spaces, equipment, and personal items.
- Limited gatherings
Avoid close contact with people who are sick
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth
Stay home when you are sick
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces using a regular household cleaning spray or wipe.
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
Executive Order 2020-43 addresses larger "public" events allowing for organized public events over 50 people in a city/town only by approval of its Mayor, or within Unincorporated Areas with approval of a County's Board of Supervisors. With additional updates on 12/2/20 in Executive Order: 2020-59 to enhance health and safety requirements for these events. , in summary, states that organized public events of more than 50 people may only be approved by local cities, towns, and counties if they have determined that safety precautions consistent with guidance issued by both the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and ADHS are in place, and the event organizer has committed to implementing and enforcing these precautions. If an event is approved by a local city, town, or county, the local jurisdiction must publicly post the mitigation measures that the event organizer is required to implement and enforce on their website and submit a copy to ADHS. In addition, the jurisdiction must dedicate resources to enforcing mitigation measures that the organizer has agreed to implement during the event and any public health requirements currently applicable in the jurisdiction.
Regarding Quarantine/Travel Restrictions in Arizona:
No travel restrictions are currently in place. Travel Guidance - Arizona Office of Tourism.
We've pulled together the following resources to help you navigate and create the proper protocols to conduct safe production work while in Arizona.
Arizona COVID-19 Health & Business Resources:
- AZ COVID-19 - Department of Health Services latest re-opening activities (Arizona COVID-19 Hotline: 1-844-542-8201)
- TESTING: Support Services Medical Services and Testing Vendors including mobile services; City of Phoenix (Mobile Van) Other COVID-19 Statewide Testing services - FREE Saliva Testing for Arizonans (ASU-Biodesign) and All Commercial Testing Sites;
- Arizona COVID-19 Response Assistance webpage with health, business, individual resources.
- Governor Doug Ducey's implemented Executive Orders for COVID-19
- Map of Arizona Cases
- TRAINING: Film Industry COVID-19 Compliance Officer (CCO) Training via Health Education Services (Online/$50); COVID-19 Contact Tracing Course via (Free-Johns Hopkins University); COVID-19 Safety Courses via
- CDC Large Gathering Guidance
- CDC Small Gatherings Guidance
- CDC Parks & Recreational Facilities Guidance